Hello, my name is Krishna Lingam. I would like to guide you through what must be a worrying time as if you are reading this page that either you suspect you have a hernia or your doctor or nurse practitioner has informed you that you might have a hernia.

I have written this web page to help you understand what a hernia is, what symptoms you could be experiencing and what options there is out there to help you make the correct choice of treatment. Do not worry as sometimes it is just reassurance that is needed.

I have over twenty years of consultant experience of performing hernia repairs from simple umbilical, inguinal and femoral hernia surgery to more complex abdominal wall reconstruction. I hope to be able to pass to you my years of treating a whole variety of patients with varying degrees and complexity of hernias to help you decide what is the best for you.

I hope you will be able to read and understand more about hernias and be able to discuss with the surgeons you select to see with more confidence and asking the correct questions so that you receive the best treatment tailored to your needs.

Thank you for visiting my web page. If you have any questions, please see my contact details and I will do my best to advise. Good luck!

Mr Krishna Lingam

Mr Krishna Lingam

MB ChB (Glas), MD (Glas),
FRCS (Glas), FRCS (Ed)

Consultant General,
Vascular & Endocrine Surgeon


Mr lingam explained everything so that I understood what was happening at all times.

Patient survey, Nuffield Hospital

Mr Lingam - absolutely brilliant from when I first met him to having the surgery.

Patient survey, Nuffield Hospital

Thank you for getting me out of the fog and letting me see the light again.

Jane Scaife

Thank you for your decent kindness and expertise. I have to say that I found the whole experience only slightly less disconcerting than giving birth and was therefore a very pathetic patient for which I apologise! Enjoy the enclosed. I am not a connoisseur.

Patient survey, Nuffield Hospital

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